Friday, February 7, 2014

School Bottle Cap Challenge

Mililani 'Ike is participating in the Hawaii School Bottle Cap Collection Challenge presented by the Kokua Hawaii Foundation.  The objective for each registered school is to collect the most plastic bottle caps.  This challenge also serves as an environmentally friendly recycling project.  The more caps we collect and turn in for this contest, the less plastic waste we have littering our land and waterways and piling up in our landfills. 
Our collection window is from February 1 - March 31, 2014.    The winning school will receive a special performance by Jack Johnson.
Acceptable caps:  Shampoo, beverage, milk jug, detergent, flip tops, pharmaceuticals
Not acceptable caps:  margarine, yogurt, lotion pump, spray pump, metal cap
Please start collecting your plastic caps for Mililani 'Ike!  Mahalo!.