Dear Mililani 'Ike Families,
We'll be offering a second Operation Hero session during the Fourth Quarter for our military families. If you are interested in having your child participate in this after school program or have further questions, please contact Mrs. Oda-Ching at 626-0940 extension 228.
Enrollment is limited and space will be given on a first come first serve basis. Deadline to submit a request for participation in the Operation Hero program is Friday, March 27, 2015.
What is Operation Hero?
- Operation Hero is a program designed to assist military children cope with the challenges of military life.
- Frequent duty station transfers and parent deployments can lead to academic and behavior problems.
- Children are busy adjusting to their family environment that studies sometimes take a back seat.
- Failure to succeed at school directly impacts their self-image and self-esteem.
- Children may experience strong emotions and demonstrate an inability to cope with them.
Spring Session 2015 Schedule:
Week One: March 30th - April 3rd
Week Two: April 6th - 10th
Week Three: April 13th - 17th
Week Four: April 20th - April 24th
Week Five: April 27th - May 1st
Week Six: May 4th - 7th
Week Seven: May 11th - 14th
Week Eight: May 18th - 22nd (No Program on May 25th)
Week Nine: May 25th - May 29th