Tuesday, September 8, 2015



In schools across the country, teachers are implementing new academic standards that provide consistent guidelines in English and math at each grade level and help prepare students to graduate high school ready for college and the workplace.  These new benchmarks challenge students to develop a deeper understanding of subject matter, learn to think critically, and apply what they are learning to the real world.  The Smarter Balanced Assessment measures critical thinking with questions that ask students to demonstrate their research, writing, and problem solving skills

Learn more by visiting the Smarter Balanced website:  http://wwwsmarterbalanced.org

Take the practice test:

If your child took the Smarter Balanced Assessment as a third of fourth grader at Mililani ‘Ike last year, you will be receiving information on their performance in the form of a Family Report.  To help you better understand this report, you can access the Interpretive Guide @ http://www.alohahsap.org.  You can find the guide on the Resources page for Students and Families under General Information.